How to Root and Install ClockworkMod Recovery in HTC Salsa

How to Root and Install ClockworkMod Recovery in HTC Salsa - rooting htc salsa . how to s off htc salsa . HTC Salsa, as so many people have experienced, is a device in the middle layer of Android phones, which has a dedicated button on Facebook, he added. And if you are the owner of HTC Salsa, won a S-OFF on their phone, it was a good news for you! A prominent member of the XDA BigBearEvo shared a method to eradicate and get ClockworkMod recovery is easy to install on the HTC Salsa. When they receive the device is not more attention from Android fans because of its poor specifications and it was mostly shipped to S-ON. If you root and flash ClockworkMod recovery were held on your phone, you are obliged to be S and off. Read this article if you want to root and flash ClockworkMod recovery on your HTC Salsa.
How to Root and Install ClockworkMod Recovery in HTC Salsa
How to Root and Install ClockworkMod Recovery in HTC Salsa - In fact, it is not too difficult to verify that your device ON or OFF SS, just slide the battery and put it back in, followed by the startup of the phone while holding down the volume knob along. Once you were in the pre-screen, quick start, you know if you have SS on or off.

How to Root and Install ClockworkMod Recovery in HTC Salsa
- If you own an S-OFF and want ClockworkMod recovery and Flash on the root of your HTC Salsa easy to read and follow the instructions to get them on your device. But we must remember that we are not responsible if your device is damaged or sealed during the process. So, please submit the method at your own risk.

Here are the instructions you need to read and follow thoroughly:
  1. First of all, you need to download PH11IMG.Zip, unofficial custom ClockworkMod Recovery image, and save it on your desktop.
  2. After that, you need to download file.
  3. Once the required files have been successfully downloaded, then connect your phone to the computer, mount SD Card and copy along with files to your SD Card root.
  4. Now disconnect your phone from the computer.
  5. After this power-off your device.
  6. Now reboot your phone while holding volume low button along with power button to boot into Hboot.
  7. When you are booting it into HBoot, select appropriate update option and then push volume up button to start flashing/installing ClockworkMod Recovery.
  8. After this, simply follow on-screen instructions and reboot your device when the recovery has finished flashing.
  9. Power off your device when you are successfully installing the ClockworkMod Recovery on your HTC Salsa.
  10. Now power it on in H|Boot and use volume key to select Recovery option.
  11. Once you are in the recovery mode, use volume key to go to “install Zip from SD Card card”.
  12. Now select “Install Zip From SD Card” and select from the resulting menu.
  13. Now flash file.
  14. Reboot your device for once more when the flashing / installation process is complete.
  15. After your phone boots, download Root Checker app from Market and verify if you have root privileges on your phone.
How to Root and Install ClockworkMod Recovery in HTC Salsa - If the instructions above and everything works as it should be done, you now have a rooted HTC Salsa and recovery ClockworkMod installed on your device. Just visit the official XDA thread if you are facing a problem with the instructions. Have a good effort.


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